Strengthen Your Foundations
Strengthen Your Foundations

Strengthen your skills of training, facilitating large rooms with one too many white elephants, coaching at times even the uncoachable and mentoring the leaders of your context through this 8 week cohort of like minded coaches and become the results oriented Coach known for their integrity and adaptability as you connect with empathy and communicate with clarity applying your expertise in the continuous improvement of your clients (individuals or organizations) by joining the 8 week cohort program.

Essentially, this program aims  to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of training, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring and equip them with practical skills and strategies to excel in these roles. It combines theoretical knowledge, interactive activities, group discussions, and real-life application to create an engaging and impactful learning experience.

Overview of Strengthen Your Foundations
Session 1:
  1. Introduction and Objectives (15 minutes)
    • Welcome and introductions
    • Overview of the workshop objectives and agenda
    • Setting expectations for the masterclass
  2. Understanding the Role of Training, Facilitating, Coaching, and Mentoring (45 minutes)
    • Differentiating between training, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring
    • Exploring the benefits and applications of each role
    • Sharing examples of successful training, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring initiatives
Session 2:
  1. Core Skills for Effective Training (60 minutes)
    • Designing and structuring training programs
    • Delivery techniques for engaging and interactive training sessions
    • Assessing and evaluating training effectiveness
    • Group activity: Participants develop a short training session on a specific topic
Session 3:
  1. Facilitation Techniques for Productive Group Discussions (60 minutes)
    • Setting the stage for productive group discussions
    • Facilitation techniques for fostering collaboration and participation
    • Managing group dynamics and conflicts during discussions
    • Role-playing exercises: Participants practice facilitating group discussions
Session 4:
  1. Coaching for Individual Growth and Development (60 minutes)
    • Understanding the coaching process and its benefits
    • Active listening and questioning techniques for effective coaching
    • Providing constructive feedback and support for growth
    • Interactive discussion: Participants share their coaching experiences and challenges
Session 5:
  1. Coaching for Team Development (60 minutes)
    • Techniques for coaching and mentoring teams and teams of teams
    • Facilitating team-building and collaboration through coaching and mentoring
    • Group activities and role-plays: Participants practice coaching and mentoring teams
Session 6:
  1. Mentoring for Guiding and Supporting Others (60 minutes)
    • Exploring the role of mentors in guiding and supporting individuals
    • Techniques for building mentoring relationships based on trust and respect
    • Setting goals and providing guidance for mentees
    • Case studies and examples of successful mentoring relationships
Session 7:
  1. Mentoring for Team Development (60 minutes)
    • Techniques for coaching and mentoring teams and teams of teams
    • Facilitating team-building and collaboration through coaching and mentoring
    • Group activities and role-plays: Participants practice coaching and mentoring teams
Session 8:
  1. Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience (25 minutes)
    • Identifying common challenges and obstacles in training, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring
    • Strategies for overcoming resistance and building resilience
    • Interactive discussion: Participants share their own challenges and seek input and suggestions from the group
  2. Application and Integration (25 minutes)
    • Identifying opportunities to apply training, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring skills in participants’ own work environments
    • Group activities and case studies: Participants apply the skills to real-life scenarios
    • Reflection and discussion: Participants share their experiences and insights
  3. Action Planning and Next Steps (30 minutes)
    • Reflection on key insights and takeaways from application of the masterclass
    • Group discussion: Participants identify specific actions they can take to strengthen their training, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring skills
    • Individual action planning: Participants develop personal action plans with clear steps and timelines for implementation
  4. Wrap-up and Conclusion (10 minutes)
    • Summary of key points covered in the masterclass
    • Q&A session to address any remaining questions or concerns
    • Closing remarks and next steps